1. Choose the correct verb.
Listening Strategy
In listening tasks, the instructions and questions usually give you some idea of the kind of topic and the type of language you are going to hear. Reading them carefully before you listen will help you to ‘tune in’.
2. Read the Listening Strategy. You are going to hear adverts for four products. Circle the word (a-c) you are most likely to hear in each advert.
- 1) sports clothes
- a) motorway b) race c) beach
- 2) cosmetics
- a) elegant b) risky c)convincing
- 3) a car
- a) script b) engine c) station
- 4) fast food
- a) anxious b) tired c) hungry
3. Now listen to the adverts and write the products.
Advert 2 is for ……………………………………………..
Advert 3 is for ……………………………………………..
Advert 4 is for ……………………………………………..
4. Listen again. Which words from exercise 2 did you hear?
5. You are going to hear four dialogues. Read sentences A-E and match each one to a phrase (1-5) you are likely to hear. Use the underlined words to help you.
B One speaker is complaining about something he bought.
C One speaker is trying to persuade someone to go out for the evening.
D One speaker is giving directions to the nearest cinema.
E One speaker is narrating an amusing event that happened.
2 I really think you should …
3 I don’t think you’re right about …
4 It’s just not good enough …
5 A few moments later, ….
6. Now listen and match the four dialogues with sentences A-E in exercise 5. There is one extra sentence.
Dialogue 2: sentence ……………………….
Dialogue 3: sentence ……………………….
Dialogue 4: sentence ……………………….
7. Listen again. Check your answers to exercise 6 by listening for phrases 1-5 in exercise 5.
Dialogue 2: letter……………………….
Dialogue 3: letter ……………………….
Dialogue 4: letter ……………………….
8. Write slogan to advertise these products.
B: ……………………….
C: ……………………….
= Strategy =
When you are asked to match statements to recordings that you hear, there is always one extra sentence that you don’t need. This sentence will partly match at least one of the recordings, but it will not be completely correct. Make sure you understand why it is not the right answer.
1. Read the Strategy. Then read the audio script and choose the correct sentence (A or B) to describe it.
‘Welcome to the show, and what a great show we have today! In a moment I’d like to welcome our special guest, singer and songwriter Eliza Swain. She’s going to talk to us about her latest album and also her European tour next month. After that, we go to Mitch Jackson, who will tell us the top five films to watch right now. And they are amazing … I know, I’ve seen them all. Later on in the programme, we have Lucy Kyle with some great fashion tips. But first, let’s welcome Eliza to the show.’
B The speaker presents an entertainment show.
2. You will hear five speakers talk about entertainment. You will hear the recording twice. Match sentences A-E with recordings 1-5. There is one extra sentence.
B: The speaker is making an announcement to competitors. …………..
C: The speaker wants to advertise a summer job opportunity. …………..
D: The speaker is still studying at school. …………..
E: We learn about the history of some popular stories. …………..
F: The speaker is describing a festival. …………..